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Running a small business in New Zealand comes with unique challenges and opportunities. One crucial aspect that determines the success of a business is effective budgeting. Whether you're just starting or looking to streamline your financial processes - creating and maintain...
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There is a saying that “cash is king” and for good reason. Cash coming in and out is how your business operates day-to-day. It’s the life blood that keeps the heart pumping.In this blog we’ll talk about the difference between cashflow and profit, why cashflow is so i...
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Let's talk Rental Properties

November 15, 2023
Do you own a rental property or are thinking about investing in one?In this blog we’ll answer the mostly commonly asked questions about rental properties and how it works from a tax perspective. If you’re unsure of what you can and can’t claim – keep reading to learn...
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As your business grows so does the demands on your time. As a business owner you wear many hats but “bookkeeper” doesn’t need to be one of them. By outsourcing your accounts, you will free up your time considerably. If you’re finding that you’re spending late night...
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small businessbudgetingBookkeeping
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